You are now enrolled to iLEAD -
Introducing Local Executives to Administration and Development.
Introducing Local Executives to Administration and Development.
Course Start
07 November 2022
Course End
11 November 2022
The sessions will be a mix of lectures, panel discussions, and "webinar-talk show" format, with substantial time for open forum. Discussions will be accompanied by presentations/visuals from subject matter experts.
- Peer mentoring sessions
- Action Planning Workshop: Building the Executive Agenda
Creating a Zoom Account:
How to Zoom:
What is Mentimeter?
You will receive the link to the Zoom Meeting in your registered e-mail the day before the course begins. Please make sure that the e-mail you will use for the duration of the course is the one you have used to register with Zoom.
Please make sure that you have installed Zoom on your phone, tablet, or computer. If you have not yet installed, click this link: https://zoom.us/download.
Please make sure that you have installed Zoom on your phone, tablet, or computer. If you have not yet installed, click this link: https://zoom.us/download.
To facilitate the checking of attendance and recognition during the open forum, please set your Zoom Name according to the following format: [Surname] | [Municipality/City], [Province]
Technology requirements
- A laptop would be best for a full experience.
- You can also participate using your mobile phone.
- Best to download the Zoom app or browser extension.
- PowerPoint presentations and supplemental reading materials will be available for download.
Key Benefits
Designed for Mayors and Governors, whether first-termers or re-elected, and the members of their executive team, the course strengthens the participants' foundations of good governance and effective local administration. These principles shall guide how they will approach and fulfill the practical requirements upon their assumption. During the course, participants will learn how to:
Designed for Mayors and Governors, whether first-termers or re-elected, and the members of their executive team, the course strengthens the participants' foundations of good governance and effective local administration. These principles shall guide how they will approach and fulfill the practical requirements upon their assumption. During the course, participants will learn how to:
- Improve their executive agenda,
- Translate their campaign platforms to action plans that responds to the developmental needs of their constituencies,
- Factor in the dynamics of the executive-legislative relations, and
- Consider the state of the LGU bureaucracy.
Requirements for Certification
A UP-CLRG certificate will be issued to a participant who has:
A UP-CLRG certificate will be issued to a participant who has:
- Attended ALL sessions.
- Attended ALL peer mentoring sessions and workshops.
- Submitted and presented the course training output (Executive Agenda).
Our Experts