The knowledge and skills imparted in CLRG’s courses are based on lessons learned and best practices from the field. Course materials often include knowledge products from the Center’s research program. Our resource persons come from a pool of experts from the academe and practitioners. Our tutors and facilitators are trained in various methods to generate insights and learning from the coursework and collaborative exercises making it an enriching and unparalleled experience.
The Professional Development Program at CLRG offers a wide array of short courses for local government Senior Managers and Staff. Our courses focus on enhancing the competencies of local government staff to help them meet the changing needs of their constituents and elected leaders.
The PDP provides an interactive learning experience that enables participants to work on theoretical principles and real-life case studies on:
- Strategic Planning: Developing clear, coherent and rational development directions for the LGU in line with the shared vision of the community
- Policy Development: Providing decision-making support to the elected officials drawing inputs from all parts of the organization
- Performance Management: Making use of governance metrics and tools for systems improvement to optimize organizational performance
- Innovation and Excellence: Challenging the creative minds in the LGU to contribute to better delivery of basic services
- Leadership and Personal Development: Evaluating and improving personal qualities that affect one's contribution to overall organizational performance
COURSE MENU (Schedules to be announced)
- Strategic Leadership for Senior Managers in Local Government
- iPDM: Improving Project Development and Management
- Power Write: Seminar-Writeshop on Technical Writing for Local Governments
- FRAP: Finance and Revenue Administration Program
Do you have a unique or more specific course or training subject in mind? Consider a Customized Course.