Solutions at CLRG
Our work continues with assisting local governments in their specific needs for policy development, management reform, or documentation of best practices. Our long experience in research, training and collaborative work with local governments puts us in a unique position to present our clients with solutions learned from the field and processing the wealth of best practices.
CLRG and renewed efforts for
Cordillera Autonomy On 10 February 2014, CLRG presented to the secretariat of the Cordillera Regional Development Council some of the possible options for revitalizing awareness and advocacy for regional autonomy. This is the Cordillera region's third attempt at autonomy, only one of two special arrangements allowed by the 1987 Constitution. |
Your Think TankNeed to sort out some policy options? Or analyze management alternatives? Want to commission research on a topic or issue?
Our pool of experts can help you navigate the thinking process and arrive at a decision or decisions. |
Your PartnerSearching for a partner for long-term capacity building for your LGU? Or an organization to pilot test new tools?
Whether you are a local government, national agency, donor organization or corporation, CLRG can be your partner from the academe. |
Your ForumLooking for neutral ground to discuss a burning issue? Or want to have a well-designed conference? We can take some things off your hands.
While we plan and manage conferences, we always keep in mind that greater understanding and new learning should come out of any forum. |